Author Archives: Keith Miyake

About Keith Miyake

Keith Miyake is a graduate of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Program at the CUNY Graduate Center. His work crosses the fields of political economic geography, environmental justice and environmental governance, critical race and ethnic studies, American studies, and Asian American studies. His dissertation examined the institutionalization of environmental and racial knowledges within the contemporary capitalist state.

Occupying Language with Dario Azzellini and Marina Sitrin

September 21, 2012
2:00 pm

Occupying Language is an open conversation. Through it, we invite you to join us to explore insurgent movements that have been organizing in Latin America over the past twenty years, and to connect key concepts and language from those struggles with what is new and beautiful in the social relations being created by people’s movements in the United States today. [read more»]

Telling Histories: Laurent Dubois, Greg Grandin, and Gary Wilder on Haitian Discourse

March 19, 2012
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

While Haiti’s complex and “cursed” past was often used by journalists to explain its recent and tragic upheaval, these historical retellings frequently did more to malign and undermine the promising cultural and political forces the country was founded on than to illuminate them. How might historians and other academics responsibly and effectively contribute to a global public discourse? [read more»]

John Holloway: Rage Against the Rule of Money

March 20, 2012
12:00 am

John Holloway’s latest book, Crack Capitalism, argues that radical change can only come about through the creation, expansion and multiplication of ‘cracks’ in the capitalist system. These cracks are ordinary moments or spaces of rebellion in which we assert a different type of doing. [read more»]

Brett Story: Land of Destiny

March 02, 2012
12:00 am

Land of Destiny (2010, 80 min.): A hard-working petrochemical town is rocked by revelations that its workers suffer an epidemic of cancers. But even more terrifying is the looming spectre of deindustrialization and joblessness. [read more»]

Prabhat Patnaik: Capitalism at an Impasse

February 29, 2012
12:00 am

Prabhat Patnaik is a renowned Marxist economist and political writer, vice-chairman of the Kerala State Planning Board, and member of a four-person UN task force on the 2008 financial crisis. He taught economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi for over thirty years. [read more»]

Costa Rican Democracy, Oppositional Movements, and the Central American Free Trade Agreement

February 28, 2012
12:00 am

In October of 2007, mounting contention over the Central American Free Trade Agreement in Costa Rica culminated in a historic referendum, pitting the decentralized, grassroots movement of the “No” against a “SÍ” campaign supported by big businesses together with the Costa Rican and US governments. This panel will discuss the significance of CAFTA for Central America as well as the contention over the treaty’s ratification in Costa Rica. We will explore how this conflict over “free trade” contributed to the creation of new political subjectivities and forms of political participation, while raising fundamental questions about the meaning of democracy and popular sovereignty in the context of neoliberal globalization… [read more»]