
Linsey Ly
Linsey Ly is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Anthroplogy at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her dissertation research examines the production of absence—immateriality—as a key feature of experimental urban zoning and development in China’s modern ghost cities. This work draws on models, urban aesthetics and ghost city architecture as material narratives of the future. Research interests include philosophies of materiality, social theory, political and historical anthropology. She is Program Administrator for the Committee on Globalization and Social Change.


Morgan Buck |
Morgan Buck is a doctoral candidate in Geography (Earth and Environmental Sciences) at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her dissertation project examines the history of public housing in Johannesburg’s Western Areas, speaking to a broader academic and political interest in repositioning gender alongside race as central to the production of cultural landscapes, and in foregrounding women’s histories and political subjectivities in the study of state formation. This research, combined with a background in political economy and rural sociology, has informed a teaching practice in Urban Studies, Planning, and Political Science departments at Queens College and Hunter College and City College in New York.