The Committee on Globalization and Social Change presents
Marina Sitrin
Book launch for
Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina
With comments and discussion by
Michael Menser, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Brooklyn College
Notes on the Crisis of Neoliberalism from Argentina 2001 to the Present
With Michael Menser, Philosophy, Brooklyn College
Join us for a public lecture on Tuesday, November 13th, 2012
CUNY Graduate Center Room 5109
In the wake of the global financial crisis, new forms of social organization are beginning to take shape. Disparate groups of people are coming together in order to resist corporate globalization and seek a more positive way forward. These movements are not based on hierarchy; rather than looking to those in power to solve their problems, participants are looking to one another. In certain countries in the West, this has been demonstrated by the recent and remarkable rise of the Occupy movement. But in Argentina, such radical transformations have been taking place for years. Everyday Revolutions tells the story of how regular people changed their country and inspired others across the world.
Marina Sitrin holds a PhD in Global Sociology and a JD in International Women’s Human Rights. Her work focuses on social movements and justice, specifically looking at new forms of social organization, such as autogestión, horizontalidad, prefigurative politics, and new affective social relationships. Her first book, Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina, is an oral history based on the then emergent autonomous movements in Argentina, published in Spanish (Chilavert 2005) and English (AK Press 2006). She has published in a range of journals and books, from the International Journal of Contemporary Sociology to Znet, LeftTurn, and Yes! Magazine. While much of her recent published work has been on contemporary social movements in Argentina, she has worked throughout the Americas, the Caribbean, and Japan. Her current research includes the global mass assembly movements, specifically in Greece, Spain, and Egypt.
Michael Menser first started teaching at Brooklyn College as an adjunct in 1995, became full time in 2003, and was tenured in 2009. He recently served on the BC Sustainability Council and the Provost’s Task Force on City-Based Sustainability Education. He advises Students for Global Justice club and is president of the Participatory Budgeting Project. He is also a member of the doctoral faculty in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Environmental Psychology at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Free and open to the public
Book Launch with Marina Sitrin—Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina
Date: November 13, 2012
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: CUNY Graduate Center, Room 6112
Address: 365 Fifth Avenue, New York 10016 (View Map)