Pulling the Emergency Brake: The New Global Movements and ‘Now Time’

Pulling the Emergency Brake: The New Global Movements and ‘Now Time’

In the spirit of Walter Benjamin’s ‘now time’, let’s pull the brake and reflect together about the state of global movements. A dialogue between scholars and movement participants from Greece, Spain and Occupy.

UPDATE: Video from this event is available here

A Day of Dialogue

Friday, October 26th, 1pm-6:30pm

Room 5307
The CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue


Alexandros Papas, Autonomous Neighborhood Assembly of Zografou, Athens

Marisa Holmes, organizer in Occupy Wall Street, international student movement, anti-war movement

Luis Moreno-Caballud, Spanish 15M and U.S. Occupy movements

**Also with movement participants from Mexico, Japan and Egypt**


1:00-1:30pm: Opening and introduction (moderated by Gary Wilder)

1:30-3:00pm: Movements’ Forms of Organization (moderated by Marina Sitrin)

3:15-4:45pm: State and Institutional Power (moderated by Frances Fox Piven)

5:00-6:30: Future and Possibilities (moderated by Susan Buck-Morss)

6:30-8:00pm: Reception

Pulling the Emergency Brake: The New Global Movements and ‘Now Time’
Date: October 26, 2012
Time: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Room 5307
Address: 365 Fifth Avenue, New York 10016 (View Map)

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